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Welcome to The Meaning of Life!

Well, the class anyway. We all find ourselves at one point or another wondering what everything adds up to. This sentiment manifests itself as different questions: 'why are we here?', 'what's my purpose?', 'how can I lead a fulfilling life?', or, perhaps most relevantly, 'what is the meaning of life?'. Now that you're in college, these questions are of the essence. Where will you go from here? Which skills should you develop? Which major should you choose? What should you pursue? Love? Family? Friendship? Education? Career? Fame? Fortune? Religious devotion? Service to others? Fulfillment? Happiness? What does it mean to be happy or fulfilled? In this course, we're going to set all else aside and dedicate real effort to coming to grips with these questions. Our focus will be on developing our ability to think about what we're asking and acquiring the tools necessary to assess the responses on offer.

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